Let’s celebrate another great year for warehouses together!

26 August 2021

The atmosphere at Eurobuild’s 17th Central and Eastern Warehouse and Logistics Conference will certainly be unusual – the sector is booming despite (or even because of) the pandemic, but as the situation improves we can now hold the meeting in a hybrid format. And so, it is our pleasure to invite you to attend the event, either at the Westin Hotel in Warsaw or via your screens, on October 21st!

If we wanted to illustrate the recent levels of demand and supply in the warehouse sector, e.g. in the form of a graph, then all the right lines on it would be spiking sharply upwards. And the winning streak seems to keep going on, with no signs that the sector is approaching any kind of turning point. The main factor contributing to the boom in the warehouse market is, of course, the seemingly unstoppable growth of the e-commerce segment, which hasled to a surge in interest in sites in and around large cities, as it drives the development of SBUs and last-mile facilities. Another factor behind the warehousing boom has been the growing popularity of nearshoring, while investment in the sector is also being boosted by the improvements to the expressway and motorway network, as well as the fact that Poland can still promise low operating costs and high returns. The digitisation, automation and robotisation of processes, as well as the growing awareness of sustainability issues, are also having very tangible effects – in the form of more functional, economical and environmentally friendly warehouses.
But if we’ve never had it so good, are there actually any challenges facing the industry? Are there any niches and undeveloped areas that will end up being fought over by existing and new players, who– tempted by the boom in this segment – are set to enter the warehouse market en masse? Where will developers and investors look for new opportunities and how will they be able to secure a competitive advantage? All of these questions will be put to the guests of the 17th CEE Warehouse and Logistics Conference, to give us the best possible picture of the situation on the warehouse market. All of you who have sorely missed face-to-face meetings should definitely be pleased to hear that the conference will take place in the traditional manner–and so, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to the Westin Hotel in Warsaw on October 21st. However, in consideration of ongoing concerns and the newly-formed habits of many, an online broadcast of this event will also be provided. We encourage you to register via the conference website. And we will be delighted to see and hear you on October 21st!

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The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

October 17th, 2024,Sound Garden Hotel,Warsaw


23 października 2024,,Restauracja Dock19 by Mateusz Gessler, Elektrownia Powiśle, ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 43C, Warszawa
3. Deblowy Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild, Edycja Zimowa

3. Deblowy Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild, Edycja Zimowa

February 21, 2025,Europejskie Centrum Tenisa, ul. Topolowa 29,Mysiadło
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11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference

March 27th, 2025,Warsaw,Radisson Collection Hotel, Grzybowska 24
The 20th CEE Warehouse & Logistics Conference
Conference Centre Copernicus Science Centre
Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20, Warsaw