ESG - environmental strategy in practice or a catchy marketing slogan?

14 October 2021

Experts on environmental issues are increasingly keen to emphasise how important it is to adopt a practical approach aimed at effectively protecting the climate and the environment. The time for talking about this issue is over and we now have to put our words into practice. The clock is ticking and so we cannot remain indifferent in the face of the climate crisis.

The warehouse and logistics sector is aware of this problem, given the concern it expresses for the natural environment. It seems that everyone is now speaking with one voice and all the latest developments are being built to environmentally-friendly standards. In any case, adhering to ESG standards adds to the value of the property, so it’s difficult to dismiss this factor in terms of investment returns. But is this a genuine embrace of the ESG ethos or is it just greenwashing? It is, however, worthwhile hearing the views of industry representatives first-hand. We invite you to attend the 17th CEE Warehouse and Logistics Conference, during which there will be a panel entitled: ‘Greenery That’s More and More Juicy’. Tom Listowski, an SIOR, partner and head of the industrial and warehouse department of Cresa in the CEE region, will ask his panellists for their opinions on ESG strategies in the warehouse sector. The discussion starts at 10:25 am. We invite you to register via the conference website. The conference will be held in-person at the Westin hotel in Warsaw.

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Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20, Warsaw